Sunday, April 26, 2009

Clean Off Your Racial Magnifying Glass!

The presence of this issue is beyond ahead of its time and place... You don't even see this discussion on television today... but then again "sitcoms" of this generation are in the form of stank/scripted/stupid "reality tv"


Friday, April 17, 2009

The Mellow Happenings of R.J. (Animation Edition)

Chillin at the bus stop (2 days ago) with my mind set on how long and how much work will be completed on campus at the computer lab. I'm standing next to the bench then seconds later, I laid my eyes on AM New York which had this as the cover story...

AMNY JJJ Marvel Mayor

Reason #5000 why Spider-man is so freakin D-O-P-E!
The latest events in the comic book world makes front page of a real news publication.
Crazy right?!

Heroin Doses Are Cheaper Than a 6-Pack

June 9th marks the moment in which I will shoot up this hopefully 100% potent dope known as... The Ecstatic (pushed by the Mighty Mos Def)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Washing Out My Dandruff Thoughts: Rinse 8

You have this colored inferiority seed. The oppressive farmer plants it into the ground then regularly waters and takes care of it. That small seed soon sprouts large political, economic, educational, social, and cultural inferiority pedals. This blossoming creation is not appealing to the eye of the oppressed, so they seek to destroy not only the plant but the root in which it brutally sprouted from. But how will this task be achieved in regard to vision of thoughts and its execution?
(click photo to read news clip)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Operation Insightful Showers Now In Progress

This is the illest sweatshirt droppin in the '09. The quote states, "Being about it is great than talkin about it." Does this apply to you?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Video de la Noche: Super News

Battle of the Smileys... this is so random yet hilarious