Sincerest apologies for not being in any form of existence the entire month of August. Once my job was over July 31st, a job that consisted primarily of nepotism and bleached sugar coated prejudice, I needed solace so badly that I just screamed to hell with everything!
Not entirely...
First week... relaxed in Myrtle Beach with family that I was never completely close to until the death of my Nana back in June. I actually appreciated the time spent with them because now we are inseparable and I just needed to form those special bonds with family for a change rather than my crew. I shared some poetry (rare experience) and I felt very warm that they support my talents.
Second week... crashed at my cousin's mansion like crib. I felt like a kid from the projects who ain't never been nowhere! I was so taken aback by not only the home but the strong durable work ethic all my older cousins possess that got them to where they are are. I have been encouraged even more to emulate my kin!
Third and Fourth week... I honestly think I can say that I have officially seen every episode of the Golden Girls at least 100 times. The life of a sloth I have come to realize is not the life for me. I felt like a gigantic fat ass who was a slave to junk food and the remote!!! This voluntary exile was pathetic and I knew I could get away with it now only because I won't be able to do it again until December.
Present Day... Now I am in the never ending process of regaining intelligence and awareness of the realities surrounding my post grad life.
Grad school begins Sept. 8- Peace and Love to the undergrad chapter in Queens... Say Hello to Brooklyn!
So ya'll know I try to stay above ground when it comes to the latest music so I going to close out by releasing this lil video I stumbled upon about an hr ago
- PeAcE
NAS & DAMIAN "JR GONG" MARLEY DISTANT RELATIVES preview from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.