Thursday, February 11, 2010

In Celebration of Negro History Month...

I stumbled upon this cuz I knew youtube had clips from banned/racist as hell cartoons, but I never saw this one!!!

That material on here leaves me speechless...I mean the saliva of shock even evaporated!!!

It's a shame that these were cartoons for children to watch and enjoy during breakfast...after school...on the weekend...or at the theater. AND THE FACT THAT THIS WAS OK IS WHAT KILLS ME!!!!

4 word droppings:

Ash said...


Anonymous said...

type in minstrel on youtube, you can't get everything related to racism off the internet. It's not surprising it IS the internet.

Anonymous said...

this totally relates to this post

Anonymous said...

wow bugs bunny really? saying "massa" and having blackface on.. unbelievable!