I definitely need to shoutout my buddy Yellow Rebel for designing the headline for Inner City Truths... much respect for the his assistance b/c that section was definitely naked lol
Also all this social/political talk would not be complete without the help of my upcoming collection enititled
Restock Narratives.
It's a collection of short narratives addressing some of the issues touched in my pieces as well as other concerns of mine but with a twist...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Special thanks to...
Posted by
Eye D. VS Mel O.
10:51 PM
word droppings
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Last Piece (For Now)
I hate to say it peoples but we have reached the end to our political/social segment. I must return to my drawing board and create some new PiEcEs discussing more social issues and politics for the '08, and believe me the ideas have been conceived in my mind but i just haven't put them onto paper just yet. i know most writers can relate when you have this crazy topic but you just cannot gather the words or the most innovative stylistic approach for it to be a great piece, better than the previous piece you wrote. but anyways, stay tuned for when these complete perceptions of mine premier on (Makes Me Wanna Be A Writer) . come through next month when i showcase the old, the new, and most certainly more inner city truths-
last piece is simply a wake up call to all my "revolutionary" folk and the people who simply complain too damn much about EVERYTHING and it NEVER results in needed action. you can dicuss it and read about it as much as you want but if you are not executing it out on the streets, workplace, classroom, church, or wherever a revolution needs take place, then the studying and talking doesn't really measure up, am i right?
Check it out, let me know what you think... i'm out - PEacE
Track #5: On Demand
the revolution will not be televised
the struggle will paralyze our eyes
so what's the use in filmin'
the screenplay you wrote
tells the story of how
corruptness and demise lies in the hands, mouths, and minds of children
but we overlooked the many triflin men and women
how can the babies change
without proper intervention and instruction
instead genuinely noting their strengths over flaws is something we refuse to mention
oh this fault and vile music and television
but we simply change the station
rather than take the effort to fix the shoddy reception
so quick to blame ALL the downfall on Bush
but that's what you hide behind
wannabee revolutionaries and you you simple minded heedless beings
ya'll not performing o-s-c-a-r material
as empowering m-i-n-d-s's
and yet you say to me you filming gripping documentaries
sadly i thought these were pornos
but who knows
cuz lying around, moaning and groaning
and working my pointer finger
is something i can do myself
but slothiness and ignorance is bad for one's health
but here's the difference between me and you
I'm actually gonna bring upliftment back
having all people proudto sport a self determination backpack
see many of us are missing out on the most critical meal of the day
and I'm not talking breakfast my friends
I'm talking hearty bowls of kinship and compassion
with tall glasses of healthy insight
so please forgive me for not being at all polite
but ya'll know what i'm sayingis indeed valid and right
Posted by
Eye D. VS Mel O.
2:08 AM
word droppings
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Please Put the Kids to BED!!!
It's BJ Eye D. Clein aka Mel O. Mind bringin' to you oldschool and new school pieces from my crates. Up next we have a PiEcE entitled, "Snooze- Keeping in the nightmare alive" that dropped during the summer of '06.
Everywhere I turned the topic of being on the DL was being discussed. I figured why not add my two cents because the issue needs to not go ignored because relationships and most importantly people's health are being put in jeopardy, and I know i would not want to be with a man who was on the DL. and also this goes out to the young people. i have noticed more and more kids and teens are saying that they are homosexual one minute then go back to being straight or vice versa. their physical appearance and demeanor changes as well, however i am not convinced that sooo many of these young people are indeed homosexual. if you are truly homosexual then be proud of who you are do not be sexually involved with both sexes and remain in the closet. but if you are claiming it becuase it appears to be some kind of fad then stop it and truly think about whether or not you truly are. no one gay or straight deserves to be hurt so really think about it before you go yelling out you are gay. This piece may offend some but that goes to show that I succeeded in expressing how I feel about it and remember i'm on the outside looking in, i'm not saying whatever i say goes, however just hear me out ok?
Check it out...
Track #4: Snooze- Keeping the nightmare alive
now hear me out ok
i been keeping this from all of you too long
now this is what i'm gonna do
after watching thousands of you
do this
ima leave the dick
cuz i'm so sick
since it's late in arrival anyway
ima become psychologically confused
(talkin as if i were a dude)
or lip lock with
drag thugs at the cervix
but my boyfriend or girlfriend
can't know this
but since i'm not gay but secretly
why can't they help me find my way
instead of listening to the nonsense i say
everytime i go away
matter fact i'll win the oscar
for being halle berry's twin sunrise
then jamie foxx's brother at night
or vice versa
which ever one fots for ya
but i guess you all compare
to ray
since you remain blinded to see
who you hurtin except the lips and a-holes
of the bi-curious or a gullible confused virgin
you are just lyin to your kin
but then again
i'm on the outside lookin in
you claim when you creepin
you strap
but c'mon people it's a trap
cuz if that were the case
you'd be fully aware
of what damage could be done
but instead you rather enjoy
the cummings and goings of DNA
that has full potential of becoming mutanated
and overwhelmed with AIDS
and i'm not talking about helpful assistants either
so at this moment ima shave the head
munch on infantile girls
and wear fitteds and sagging denims
ima get those stillettos and hoops
and let my dick tear apart other dudes
all while wearing a dress
maintaining a silky smooth hair texture
but let me first change my gestures
stereotyping my so called proteges hand motions, voices, ans swaggers
just to prove to myself i
indeed denied myself
tht being God molded me into
which i guess was not true
for me to live up to
but check this
i knock what you do
cuz it's not thought all the way through
my brotha
my dude
my sista
young woman
why you got to
a true woman
or the essence of a man
women living as spermless men
and men as eggless women
who aren't true
with it
is nonsense
that needs to
come out of
just cuz you haven't found that woman or man
been hurt before
or confused about you are
doesn't mean you have to be selfish and untrue
to those surrounding you
why do i, and fellow women and men
got to suffer
long term
for your lack of concern
this here is a wake up call
cuz if you all
truly want that committment
why struggle and deny forever trying to deface
your mind, body, and soul to
live a false and guaranteed resentment
Posted by
Eye D. VS Mel O.
6:44 PM
word droppings
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Had to take of some business...
Next up I have a PiEcE dated back to 2005 entitled, This is Just To Say. I was at the point in my life where i was just tired of the conformity amongst my peers. i was fed up giving into to it but had no clue what my next move was going to be in regard to developing my own unique distinctive persona. let's just say that if I was the valedictorian of my high school class, this would have been my speech!!!
All i gotta say is... check it out
Track #3: This is Just to Say
Lemme tell you a true story
once upon a time I jotted down mental notes
on ALL that surpassed me
so don't be misconstrued thinkin I was once zoned out
cuz to your surprise
all that you classify as your actual features
makes all you frauds ugly unnatural creatures
so Ima pause after sayin this
the masks most of you wear is my #1 pet peeve
you see I'm from a city that supposedly reads
by 9
but everyday I observe girls constantly denying giving dudes cat scans on
their knees
at the drop of a dime
oh- and the kids here idolize weed
or claiming the proverbial streets or idolizing unrelective compact
or maybe just wishing to be
politically charged wannabees
Posted by
Eye D. VS Mel O.
3:49 PM
1 word droppings
Monday, January 7, 2008
2nd track on the list...
OK WOW!!!! I take back me being subtle lol
... then again i was a charged infuriated teen back in 04 just beginning to get my toes wet with this thing we call writing
next up we have a PiEcE entitled Political Activism at its best dating back to '04 as well. Not as angry as the Forcast piece but it has just as much passion and emotion behind it... Enjoy it peoples!!!
Track #2: Political Activism at its best
Uncle Sam!!!
here I am
I'm waiting for my daily fuck over
nevermind I want
your shit dumped gradually on me
into my unwelcoming cranium
you raped my mother- claiming
later we would have the best
well long social division, no compassion, courtesy truckloads of offensive expression
and reruns of arrests and unrest
is all i ever wanted !
I give you countless fiscal blowjobs
and never got a sincere call back or even one in return
instead what i receive?!
no regards
just strangled of my rights
by being thrown front and center
in this gruesome lifelong plight
or rather a victim of the conflict
you maliciously sauteed
within my biographical wok
you want me alright
to go back to Africa
become E.T. to another land
but phoning home has become a bore
as I remain one of your countless whores
giving you large revenues for duties well done
watching you become rich
or rather
a deceitful cruel son of a bitch
Uncle- I pass on your countless molests, rapes
muggings of my originality, dignity, and content
I decline donating to your unbeneficial foundation
your notoriety makes me wanna regurgitate all
my disdain onto your
questionable creation
you call a democratic civilization!!!
Posted by
Eye D. VS Mel O.
10:53 PM
1 word droppings
1st track coming up...
This PiEcE came onto the scene around fall '04. the fate and the behavior of the youth ad adults in my neighborhood and nationwide was and still is sickening me. many are not on the right path depending on sex for happiness but it's resulting in mindlessness and deadly illnesses. i was and still am irate not only becuase the youth are not motivated enough to go the extra mile and overcome obstacles eventually seeing success but that many adults simply gave up on us assuming that we weren't teachable or reachable so it was useless in trying to intervene and make a difference. so this is why at the age of 17 i was inspired to become an educator.
Also i'm giving brief rants on other issues such as the the national holiday, Patriot's Day, and other random issues...
I went into my room and wrote, arranged, produced, and kept this piece on hold b/c at the time i was very selfconscious about the reaction i would recieve from the public. Now it's a new day I got ish to say sooo read it and hear me out ok?
Track # 1: The Forcast for the 21st century
Ladies snatch up your kids
fellas board up your windows
I don't think none of ya'll in store for
what ya'll bout to witness
soon hurricane intellect will cause
mental damage
emotional panic
but thought winds won't kill ya
but rather knock out your non electrical power of thinking
then leave you in a stupa
So here's what I been contemplatin'
I don't expect much understandin'
9/11 Patriot's day, the day for unified dreams
but I call the celebration halloween
cuz you frauds put on scary costumes every year
impressin each other
tryin to win the contest of who can be the phoniest most predictable
in this crumbling dwelling beyond the tundra
Enough said- what's worse
little dudes and little girls sucking triple thick cum shakes out
of a used dick or vaginal straw
then bitch and moan when the dirty a-holes never again call
don't attack me sayin I' m rude
cuz you and me both know it's true
to my surprise you probably the ones doin it too!!
this is the downspiral
not the ones pinned up on a little girl's head
but what's occuring in this hectic habitat
no one understands however Jadakiss asked me
is that
but I couldn't give him an answer
Ew- dudes and females breakin off each other on the low
with a quick jab
as if they a soft shell crab
ripping hard
spreading thighs painfully
but then eject like a vhs tape
most of them are stumped
as to whether they want paper or plastic
paper being what's being compensated materialistically before after or during a
brief fuck
for a crumbled buck
hardly accepting plastics so they can use it
as a shield of elastics
to prevent some sexual bug that could last and last
soon killing their fleshy keypad...
Posted by
Eye D. VS Mel O.
10:27 PM
1 word droppings
The Not So Quiet Fire...
What's going on peoples it's BJ (Blog Jockey) Eye D. Clein (Pronounced I Decline) or Mel O. Mind (which ever name you dig more refer to me as that) on the cyber 1s and 2s bringin' to you oldschool and newschool writings from the crates which are otherwise known as my journals and sketchpads...
This segment I wish to share with ya'll some political/social and quasi political/social writings, throwbacks as well as fresh new ish. I'm not your typical poet or BJ (blog jockey) meaning that when I speak about politics and social issues it's not as blunt or conrete as another poet's piece. I put people on blast no doubt but I try to be subtle with the blasting lol. Vocally i can bring the noise if i must but since writing is my forte (and i just cannot speak b4 i write) I go about discussing politics and the social goings on adding my own innovative poetic/creative language as well as my smooth yet agressive swagger better on paper than through my vocal chords right on the spot...
With all the worldwide political and social uprisings these past several months, it's only right that bring to you my views on the goings on that makes me wanna play with a bic and papermate and have them bust something worthwhile onto unwashable white and blue plaid sheets lol...
By the way as a side note, I have a way with words and metaphors so if it's too much for you simply click on the tab that says next blog... GOT ME? GOODY!!!
Enough said let's begin this segment!!!
Posted by
Eye D. VS Mel O.
9:43 PM
word droppings